Give Your Hotel a Communications Boost
Confidently Renovate Your Outdated Phone Systems
Request An Estimate Here!
It’s Past Time to Upgrade
Over the years, you’ve modernized the look and feel of your hotel, but the old phone system has remained the same. Now, it’s obvious it can no longer keep up with demand. Calls are missed, dropped, or never go through altogether. When guests aren’t able to connect to the front desk for services and outside calls are continually dropped, you know your phones are hurting your business. Your staff is always complaining, your guests aren’t happy, and you’ve come to the conclusion it’s time to refurbish your phone lines. But how do you even get started?
Where Can You Turn?
Where can you turn to get the help you need? You don’t know the first thing about hotel phone systems and you have no idea which system is right for you. What you need is a local expert who can come in and assess your particular situation instead of giving you generic advice over the phone. Your problem is too big for a simple solution. You need an entire phone system overhaul. But who has the expertise you need? Is there a company you can trust to help you navigate the world of telecommunications?
CSM South is Your Expert for Hotel Phone Systems in Ft. Myers
You’re in luck! CSM South is your local hotel phone systems installer in Ft. Myers. We not only examine your current system, but with over 35 years of experience in the business, we confidently recommend—and install—the system that’s right for you. Whether you need a traditional land line, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), or a hybrid system, we take into consideration your individual hotel and your specific business needs to suggest the perfect solution. When it comes to excellent telecommunications, CSM South is your choice for your hotel phone system.
Dial Back Into Business
Now that your communications have been launched into the future, business is booming! The phones are ringing off the hook and your staff is overjoyed. Guest services are no longer missed and new reservations are at an all-time high. Upgrading your hotel phone system was one of the best investments you’ve ever made!